Can Chickens Eat Romaine Lettuce? (Nutrition, Benefits and Feeding Tips)

Leafy greens are generally safe for chicken consumption. If you have a field near your coop, lettuce is one of the easiest vegetables to cultivate. You might even already have some available. If that’s the case, you might be asking yourself, “Can chickens eat romaine lettuce?”

The answer is yes, chickens can safely consume romaine lettuce. Although it’s rich in vitamins and minerals, romaine lettuce offers a low amount of needed nutrition for your chickens. Feeding them romaine lettuce should cause no problems with your chickens.

For more information on the benefits and general tips for feeding your chickens romaine lettuce, continue reading below.

Is Raw Romaine Lettuce Safe for Chickens?

do chickens eat lettuce

Raw or cooked romaine lettuce is safe for chicken consumption. Since the metabolism of chickens is designed to digest hard grains, digesting raw or cooked romaine lettuce is no problem for them. If you want them to digest it easily though, you can just slice it into small pieces for faster digestion.

Do Chickens Eat Romaine Lettuce?

We now know that romaine lettuce is safe for chicken consumption. The question is: will your flock eat it?

Chickens, being an omnivore, will generally eat whatever plant produce or meat you will provide, and fortunately, romaine lettuce is one of them. Watch the below video to see chickens gobble up romaine lettuce.

Although chickens will not pass up the chance to eat romaine lettuce, you should offer it to them sparingly, especially since it offers less nutrition compared to other leafy vegetables.

2 Greatest Benefits of the Romaine Lettuce

As stated above, compared to feeds or other vegetables, romaine lettuce doesn’t offer much nutrition. But don’t worry! Feeding romaine lettuce to your chickens still has a lot of benefits.  

Romaine Lettuce’s High Water Content

According to FoodData Central, a 100g serving of romaine lettuce contain about 65.4g of water. The high-water content of the romaine lettuce is beneficial to the hydration and liquid intake of your chickens, especially in the summer.

Rich with Antioxidants

As stated above, romaine lettuce doesn’t offer a lot of nutrients for chickens as it’s low in protein and fiber. Fortunately, there are still a good number of vitamins and minerals that romaine lettuce can provide such as:


Romaine Lettuce can provide a good amount of calcium. This mineral is a key component for better egg production and quality. For your hens to produce good quality and tasty eggs, a good calcium intake is needed.

can chickens eat iceberg lettuce


Potassium is good for maintaining the fluid balance and nerves of your chickens. If you are living in a more humid place, potassium-rich foods will serve your chickens well.


Improvements with metabolism and enzymatic process are the prime function of magnesium. It helps to absorption of other nutrients as well. You can find this mineral on lettuce and other leafy greens.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C offers an increase in the development of the immune system. This vitamin is important to protect your chickens from nasty diseases.  

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is important for reproduction and the immune system as well. It’s also great for the overall health and function of the organs.

Despite its nutritional content, romaine lettuce doesn’t provide a significant number of calories that are essential for energy production. Antioxidants such as Vitamin C and A can also be found albeit in small amounts. For more information, refer to the nutrition chart below. It’s a nutrition content of a 100g serving of romaine lettuce according to FoodData Central.

Nutrients Amount
Calories 18kcal
Calcium 24mg
Potassium 200mg
Magnesium 14mg
Protein 1g
Carbohydrates 2.35g
Fiber 1.2g
Vitamin A 7650 IU
Vitamin C 4.2mg
Vitamin K 147mcg
Sodium 17.5mg

Note that although lettuce has a good amount of several nutrients, it shouldn’t be the primary source of nutrients for your chickens. Feeds can offer more amount of needed vitamins and minerals than lettuce but feeding it to them will not cause any harmful effects.

Preparation and Feeding Romaine Lettuce to Your Flock

can chickens have lettuce

You can feed lettuce to your chickens whether it’s cooked or raw. Feeding it with grains or just feeding whole unchopped lettuce is safe for chickens. You can also slice it up along with other chopped vegetables and grains for a healthier variety. Or if you want a more fun way of feeding lettuce to your chickens, you can try hanging it up like in this video:

If you have scraps from cooking, you can just toss it to them. Just make sure to clean it up before feeding it to your chickens as unclean vegetables can house several nasty insects, worms, and insecticides, especially if you just bought it from the market. 

Make sure to buy organic romaine lettuce if you don’t plant it yourself. For healthier chickens, preservatives should be avoided. Opting for darker varieties of lettuce is the best choice for your chickens.

After your chickens are done pecking away at the vegetable, you should clean up the uneaten food as it can rot and attract various rodents.

How Much Lettuce Is Good for Chickens?

Depending on the size of your flock, you can generally feed your chickens a serving of medium-sized romaine lettuce once or twice a week. This estimation will depend on how many chickens you have, whether you add or lessen your servings is up to your preference.

If you are going to feed your chickens romaine lettuce for the first time opt for a smaller serving since there are instances where chickens will eat lettuce sparingly. Watch over how much they can consume for the first time you feed lettuce to them.

Can Chickens Eat Other Types of Lettuce?

chickens eat lettuce

Other types of lettuce and leafy grains are generally safe for your chickens. The only type of lettuce you should look out for is iceberg lettuce. Iceberg lettuce produces high lactucarium content on its stems, causing diarrhea to any small animal that will eat it.

If your chicken accidentally consumes iceberg lettuce, worry not, the diarrhea will subside after a few hours. Just make sure they are well hydrated to avoid any issues.

5 More Leafy Greens to Feed Your Chickens

This article is far from over. Since we already tackled feeding romaine lettuce to your flock, we want to inform you more about leafy greens to feed your chickens with their benefits. You can continue reading below to know 5 more leafy greens to feed your chicken.


can chicken eat Spinach

Spinach is one of the healthier leafy greens you can feed to your chickens. It’s very high with beta carotene, iron, and calcium. Vitamin B9, C, and A can also be found on spinach. Although it’s a healthier leafy green, it should still be consumed sparingly.

Along with its nutrients, spinach also contains a lot of oxalic acids. This acid is known to tip the chemical balance of the body which can result in certain minerals being harder to consume such as calcium. You don’t need to worry about it if you feed a small serving at a time.

If you want to learn more about spinach and its benefits to your chickens, you can click here.


can chicken eat Kale

Kale is another leafy green that is high in water content and vitamins such as potassium and Vitamin C and E. It also has a high fiber content that is good for your chickens.

Any variety of kale is safe for your chickens to consume. If you don’t have homegrown kale, you should check for additives and insecticides that are present with a lot of market-bought plant produce. Choosing all-natural kale is the best option.

Click here for more information and tips about feeding kale to your chickens.


chicken eat cilantro

Cilantro is commonly used in dishes we humans make but is it also safe for your chickens? If you have cilantro in your backyard, worry not. Chickens are safe to consume cilantro and they generally like it.

It’s low on calories and high in vitamins and minerals. Being a herb, it also has a strong smell but it shouldn’t bother your chickens at all.

If you want to read more about cilantro you can read here.


chicken eat broccoli

Broccoli offers a lot of vitamins and minerals for your chickens. It contains a large amount of protein and Vitamin C. All parts of broccoli such as the stalk and florets are safe to consume. Broccoli is good for your flock’s overall health but like any other food other than feeds, it shouldn’t take the main diet.

To read more, you can click here.


chicken eat cabbage

Cabbage is another food you can give to your chickens. This vegetable is very common and easy to find, you might even be cultivating your own. Cabbages are generally safe for your chooks but it also doesn’t provide many nutrients other than vitamin C.

Even with their lack of such nutrients, you can still optimize cabbage by giving it to your chickens in summer. Since heat causes stress to the chickens, the naturally occurring vitamin C production can be slower during times of extreme humidity. Cabbage, with its high water content and richness in vitamin C, can help aid your chickens.

If you want to read more you can click here.

In conclusion – Can Chickens Eat Romaine Lettuce?

The answer is yes, chickens can eat romaine lettuce, but it should be done in moderation. Chickens generally eat whatever you feed them, so you can offer them a different variety of lettuce. Note that you should stray away from iceberg lettuce as it can cause diarrhea when consumed in large servings.

Although lettuce and other leafy greens are generally safe for chickens to consume, they should always be done in moderation. Other foods other than feeds should take approximately ten percent of your flock’s diet.

We hope this overview helped you gather more information and led to a better diet and health for your chickens. Be sure to check out other articles as well.

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