Missouri is famous for many things. Like pizza and BBQ, to name a few. Of course, that is not all there is to this state. Not as known, but it also houses some pretty great hatcheries!
With that said, let us check out the 7 best chicken hatcheries in Missouri.
7 Best Chicken Hatcheries in Missouri
1. Cackle Hatchery®
Cackle Hatchery® is one of the biggest and most popular hatcheries in Missouri!
As you would expect, they have a wide variety of breeds from which you can choose. They have Cochins, Barred Rocks, Wyandottes, Orpingtons, and many others!
As for the price, they have one of the best prices. For example, you can buy ten white egg layers for around $30. That is a few bucks cheaper than the other big names in the industry!
And yes, they do ship!
Location: 411 W Commercial St, Lebanon, MO 65536
Phone: 417-532-4581
2. O.K. Hatchery Feed & Garden Store, Inc
O.K. Hatchery Feed & Garden Store, Inc. is one of the crowd favorites. They don’t only have great birds, but amazing customer service as well!
They have a good variety of birds, from Easter Eggers to rarities such as Faverolles. They do have a website. But bird availability and prices are not on their page.
Are you interested in seeing the complete list of available birds? It would be better to visit their Facebook page. You could also call them if you want.
Shipping is not readily available on their site. But you could reserve some birds by contacting them.
Location: 115 E Argonne Dr, Kirkwood, MO 63122
Phone: 314-822-0083
3. Pinnon Hatch Farms LLC
If you’re looking for some rare breeds, then Pinnon Hatch Farms LLC is your place.
They sell breeds such as Reb Williams Albany, Rat Graves Leiper, and Ginn Grey Toppy. Since these birds are not common, they are a lot more expensive than chickens you usually see. For example, a seven-pack Reb Williams Albany would be around $150 to $185.
They do ship, but only from March to September.
You don’t have to worry if you want to buy hatching eggs from them. They pack each order wonderfully. Your birds will more than likely get to you safely.
Location: 8930 E Brushy Way, Centralia, MO 65240
Phone: 573-881-4024
4. Heartland Hatchery
Heartland Hatchery has a wide selection of breeds. They have Barred Rocks, Brahma, Cochins, and so much more! If you are searching for a specific chook, they’re one of the places you should check out.
They’re not the cheapest choice, but they do have reasonable prices. Their price ranges from $1.50 up to $20.00 per bird.
Additionally, they do ship. But you have to order at least 25 chicks for them to ship your birds.
Location: 9593 NW County Rd, Amsterdam, MO 64723
Phone: 660-424-0408
5. Duda-Lang Farms
Duda-Lang Farms sells a variety of animals.
Are you looking to start a mini-farm? They might be the perfect place for you.
You would have to contact them directly for bird availability and prices. Just to give you an idea, you can get some green and blue layers from them at $2 apiece.
It doesn’t seem they ship. If you want some birds from them, then you would have to visit.
Location: 5871 Duda Rd, House Springs, MO 63051
Phone: 314-603-5331
6. Stover Hatchery
Next up, we have one of the oldest hatcheries in Missouri, Stover Hatchery. They’re a small business, but they’ve been around for 30 years! Again, if you put your trust in years, you would want to consider them.
If you’re looking for some Cornish chicks, then they’re your guys. In a way, you could say that they are serious about this breed.
Their day-old chicks sell for around $1.25 to $1.85, depending on how many you get. A little pricey, but you’re paying for quality.
Additionally, they also ship!
Location: 103 Maple St, Stover, MO 65078
Phone: 573-377-2519
7. The Chicken Farm of Missouri LLC
Do you want some free-range birds? This next hatchery might interest you.
You’d have to contact The Chicken Farm of Missouri LLC to get a list of their available breeds. But to give you an idea, they have the usuals like Barred Rocks and Rhode Island Reds.
You would have to contact them for the pricelist. Prices can change from time to time.
You will know what birds they have and their prices upon contacting the shop. So, as you might have guessed, shipping is not readily available on their site.
To get in touch with them faster, contact their Facebook page.
Location: 8455 Hwy Ae, Sullivan, MO 63080
Phone: 888-585-7655
What to Look for When Buying Chickens in Missouri
We’ve answered the “where?” Now, let’s answer the “what?”
So, what exactly should you look for when buying chickens in the lead state?
The Rules
First, you look for the rules.
Missouri is quite welcoming when it comes to our feathery friends.
Still, it is a good idea to look into the following if they’re applicable in your area:
- Zoning Regulations
- Homeowner’s Association Rules
- Any Other Local Laws That May Affect Your Area
On the other hand, here are some of the things you should pay special attention to:
- Do you need a permit to keep chickens? – Some areas need permits for you to keep chickens. Sometimes, this also means occasional visits.
- Up to how many chickens can you keep? – Many areas in Missouri allow you to keep as many chickens as you want, but it’s still a good idea to check.
- Are roosters allowed in the area? – Again, many areas in Missouri allow roosters but still check with local laws.
- Is breeding allowed in the area? – Unfortunately, sometimes, you’re not allowed to hatch and raise your own chicks.
- What are the specifics for the structures your chickens are going to use? – Sometimes, there would be specific rules about the structures. For example, how far certain things need to be away from the lot line.
Those listed above are just some things you should pay special attention to. But it is a good idea to familiarize yourself with every chicken-related rule.
Additionally, you should occasionally check the rules. There could be changes from time to time.
But you might not find anything about these things. In that case, that could possibly mean that there are no restrictions in your area. But there are things you should still observe, as you will see in the next part.
The Neighbors
Next, you look out for the neighbors.
Are there no clear rules on how you should keep your chickens? You should still make sure that you won’t be bothering your neighbors.
Make sure the chickens won’t get to your neighbors and cause any trouble. Additionally, also mind the noise and the smell.
First, we don’t want to be a bother to anybody.
Second, rules and regulations come into place because of complaints.
If your chickens start to bother your neighbors, then complaints would come in. When complaints come in, then rules would have to be made. We don’t want that. As much as possible, we want to raise our chickens as free as we could.
The Breeds
Because of Missouri’s location, it experiences extreme weather conditions.
With that in mind, you would want to go for some cold-hardy and heat-tolerant birds. Going for free-range chickens is also a good idea as they’re supposedly stronger than caged birds.
Some birds that are both cold-hardy and heat-tolerant are:
- Delawares
- Brahmas
- Rhode Island Reds
You might want to consider these birds if you’re starting.
You can still care for birds that are only cold-hardy or only heat-tolerant. You would only have to be prepared to give some extra care during the challenging seasons.
For example, you might want to invest in a heater and the likes if you get some chooks not known to be cold-hardy.
The Area
Survey your area! It’s going to help you and your chickens in the long run.
You’d want to know what you need to shield your birds from before you build your chicken structures. Chicken coops, runs, and pens are not only there to keep your birds inside. They’re also there to keep trouble outside!
Is the coop going to withstand the different weathers your area faces? Will the run keep the predators out? That’s just some questions you would want to ask.
The Chickens
Finally, once everything is ready, it’s time to go and get your chickens!
If this is your first time getting some chickens, you might want to visit the hatchery. Ideally, you might want to choose a place that would allow you to look around the area.
Visiting the hatchery and picking up your order is ideal. It allows you to check out the area and the chickens you ordered. Ideally, you want to see a clean hatchery and healthy chicks and chickens. Even if it’s not the chicks or chickens you’re bringing home!
Also, this might get you some mighty fine tips on raising your chickens from the seller! In raising chickens, we believe that a helping hand is great, after all.
Do you think chickens and Missouri go well together? We think so too! Whatever the state, we think chickens are a good idea!
With the 7 best chicken hatcheries in Missouri and all your new chicken knowledge, we think you’re ready to plan your chicken raising journey!
Now, on to your Missourian chicken raising adventure!
Joseph Hudson has been raising chickens for over 15 years. In 2018, he completed the Agriculture & Natural Resources program at Mt. San Antonio College. He currently raises over 1400 chickens on his 7.5-hectare farm. He keeps sharing his experience on raising healthy and happy chickens on Chicken Scratch The Foundry.
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