Top 10 White Chicken Breeds (with Pictures)

White Chicken Breeds

In choosing chickens to raise, some people usually go with practicality first, while others follow their preferences. However, how cool would it be to find a breed that manifests both? This is why research and assessment are encouraged before choosing your chickens. Here are the Top 10 White Chicken Breeds for those who prefer chickens with the color of clouds.

1. White Leghorn

white chickens
  • Main Use: Egg Production
  • Weigh: 4.4–5.1 lbs
  • Egg Production: Good
  • Egg Color: White
  • Egg Size: Large

These birds are pretty popular. The name they hold is widely known all over the world. Looney Tunes have a character of this breed in their show too. White leghorns have white feathers and white earlobes. Their legs are yellow, which is quite remarkable given the slight contrast they provide.

These white birds are very energetic and like to roam around. Having said this, it would be beneficial for you to give them enough room to roam about. While they can tolerate confinement, these birds tend to get bored quickly.

White Leghorns can be noisy because of their bursting energy, so it might be better to understand them. These birds are classy despite their hyper personality. They seem to balance elegance and goofiness quite well.

They are excellent layers and an excellent addition to your flock. If you prefer practical and incredible egg-laying chickens, these birds are for you. They lay an average of 280 to 320 eggs every year.

Their productivity level makes them one of the pioneering and most famous egg providers all over the world. Poultry owners love them! Not only do they provide lots of eggs per year, but these eggs also grow in size as the end of her laying cycle approaches.

In contrast to the number of eggs they lay, they are not much of a brooder. White Leghorn hens rarely get the urge or push to become broody. Nevertheless, if you want some chicks, you can just set up an incubator. When their chicks hatch, they mature pretty quickly compared to other breeds. Learn more about Leghorn Chicken.

2. White Ameraucana

white chickens breeds
  • Main Use: Egg Production
  • Weigh: 5 – 7 lbs
  • Egg Production: Good
  • Egg Color: Blue
  • Egg Size: Medium-Large

White Ameraucanas can be intimidating because of their hawk-like appearance. These birds are super fluffy to look at too. Their fluffy beards and muffs give off the cute chipmunk vibe contrasting the intimidating hawk features they have.

They have red pea combs and wattles. These birds are both great layers and provide good meat. They produce an average of 180 to 200 eggs per year. If you are raising a flock for market purposes or businesses, this breed is an excellent addition to your flock.

These birds are quite the self-defender as they deter potential predators with their intimidating look. They can live in confinement, but as much as possible, it’s better to provide them with a larger space where they can roam around.

These chickens are independent and prefer free-ranging and running around. It’s best to give them what they need to get along well with their surroundings and their environment.

Their egg color ranges from and within the white and blue spectrum. Blue eggs have become more prevalent in the market as time goes by. And so, if you plan on selling or trying out blue eggs, you may want to try raising these birds.

While most Ameraucanas can adapt to particular weather, some reports state that these birds can have trouble adjusting and living in places with hotter temperatures. Learn more about Ameraucana Chicken.

3. Rhode Island White Chicken

white rooster breeds
  • Main Use: Egg Production / Meat Production
  • Weigh: 6.5 – 8.5 lbs
  • Egg Production: Good
  • Egg Color: Brown
  • Egg Size: Large

The Rhode Island White Chicken breed was developed by Mr. J. Alonzo Jacoy. He is from Peacedale, Rhode Island; thus, the name of the species. He created the breed by crossing White Wyandottes with Partridge Cochins and Rose Comb White Leghorns.

These birds look like walking clouds as they are all white and fluffy. Their legs and feet are yellow, while their bright red wattles and single combs stand out as they are placed above a white surface.

These birds are a helpful addition to your flocks as they are very productive. Rhode Island White Chickens are both excellent layers and good meat, laying an average of 240 to 250 eggs per year. Their eggs are fixed and consistently brown. Rhode Island White Chickens are one of the friendly birds too. They are friendly to their kind and seldom involve themselves in fights.

Rhode Island White Chickens are hardy birds that can adjust depending on temperatures. They are known for being great layers of winter eggs. Egg sizes for these calm and productive hens are either large or extra-large. This means that the cold weather does not stop their productivity. Learn more about Rhode Island Chicken.

4. California White Chicken

all white chickens
  • Main Use: Egg Production / Meat Production
  • Weigh: 5 – 6 lbs
  • Egg Production: Good
  • Egg Color: White
  • Egg Size: Large

California White Chicken is a breed achieved by combining the White Leghorn hen and California Gray Rooster. The initial and significant reason for its development is egg production for commercial transactions.

This combination goes in the list of breeds that were combined wonderfully. The White Leghorn’s dominant physique and the Barred Plymouth genes’ hardiness, broodiness, and docility make it an excellent chicken type.

These birds lay white eggs and are very famous in the commercial world. They can pump out up to 300 eggs per year and are valued significantly commercially. Aside from their productivity, they are also good companions. These birds are fun and easy to take care of. California white chickens lay large white eggs in ease and whatever weather.

California White Chickens are hardy and can tolerate cooler and warmer temperatures. This is one of the reasons for their popularity, especially in the commercial world. Their strength in laying eggs equates to how broody they are.

Some flock owners do not approve of their broodiness. However, it’s all a matter of preferences. If you prefer having chicks, then choosing this breed can be a fitting addition to your flock. These calm and docile birds are quiet so that they can live near houses with families and babies.

5. Yokohama Chicken

large white chicken breeds
  • Main Use: Show
  • Weigh: 3.5 – 4.5 lbs
  • Egg Production: Fair
  • Egg Color: Cream
  • Egg Size: Small

Yokohama Chickens are one of the fanciest and most elegant birds out and about. Their exquisite feathers and stature exude confidence and power.

This breed is an ornamental one developed in Germany. Don’t get confused because of the name. These birds came from birds of Japanese origin and were developed in Germany. The two Japanese monument breeds involved in the development of Yokohama Chickens are Onagadori and Minohiki, also termed Saddle Dragger.

The two varieties of Yokohama chicken recognized by The American Standard of Perfection are red saddles and white. These birds look like royalty as they walk around the space.

Their trailing feathers and tail make them stand out, so they make a name for themselves in the lines of appearances. Yokohama chickens are also kept for their visuals. The way they walk like royalty and the way they’re draped with their feathers is exquisite.

Along with their elegance comes their sweetness. These birds are docile. In fact, they like interacting with their owners and people they are familiar with. Yokohama chickens even prefer to be carried and cradled! These birds make good pets and friends for children and adults alike. Learn more about Yokohama Chicken.

6. Sultan Chicken

Sultan Chicken
  • Main Use: Show
  • Weigh: 3.5 – 4.5 lbs
  • Egg Production: Good
  • Egg Color: White
  • Egg Size: Small

Sultan Chickens are one of the oldest breeds, originally from Turkey. They are also considered rare. These beautiful birds have a look of power in the way they bring themselves. They have beards, muffs, and crests.

Their all-white appearance makes them seem like angel fowls. This breed originated in Turkey and is called Serai Taook or Serai Tavuk. These birds are popularly raised by royals in Turkey. They would keep these chickens in their gardens and have them as pets. And so the name, Sultan’s Fowl, and now adapted Sultan Chicken.

This breed is rare and is listed as critical in the American Livestock Breed Conservancy’s Conservation Priority List. These chickens are usually raised for their looks and display nowadays. Sultan chickens are pretty adaptable to their environment in terms of space.

They can live and thrive whether they are confined or set free to roam around the backyard. However, in terms of temperature, these birds can’t stand the cooler temperatures. It can be assumed that they take the cold pretty well because of their feathers, but in actuality, they are quite quick to catch colds. Learn more about Sultan Chicken.

7. White Jersey Giant Chicken

White Jersey Giant Chicken
  • Main Use: Meat Production
  • Weigh: 10 – 13 lbs
  • Egg Production: Good
  • Egg Color: Light Brown
  • Egg Size: Large

These chickens live by their names, White Jersey Giants. Indeed, these birds are relatively more significant than most breeds. This breed is one of the largest chicken breeds out there. This breed is developed by combining the genes of several large species.

These chickens can weigh up to 8-13 lbs, quite the heavy chickens too! They may grow slowly once they reach maturity, but as they go, they can surpass the weight and size of most chicken breeds in the market. These giants are perfect layers, too, laying an average of 240 eggs every year.

Despite these birds’ remarkable size, they are very calm and friendly. They are never aggressive. White Jersey giant chickens are easy going, so there’s nothing to worry about, even when you have kids and younger chickens in the area.

These beautiful chickens are eye candy. These gentle giants are one of the crowd’s favorites. They look like blocks of clouds walking around the yard. What an enjoyable sight to see! They do not only provide food on the table but also act as good pets. These birds are very gentle with both humans and other breeds, so there’s no trouble in letting them roam around with other chickens. Learn more about Jersey Giant Chicken.

8. La Bresse Gauloise Chicken

La Bresse Gauloise Chickens
  • Main Use: Egg Production / Meat Production
  • Weigh: 5 – 8.5 lbs
  • Egg Production: Good
  • Egg Color: White
  • Egg Size: Large

This breed upholds its reputation of being The Queen of Poultry, The Poultry of Kings.” They hold the record of being the best table chicken in the world. La Bresse Gauloise Chickens have the color of the French flag, having blue legs, red comb, and white feathers/body.

The name itself gives off an elegant and robust feel for this breed. This breed has been around for about 400 years already. Serving the table for four centuries, they did not disappoint and kept their title.

These birds love foraging and free-ranging. In other words, they cannot be confined. A massive contributor to their delicious meat is their freedom, to be more specific, the unique terrain they roam around. In conclusion, the flavor is due to their intake, which is fully supported by giving them enough freedom.

This breed is not very easy to find, so poultry owners can label it rare, especially the blue variants. These white hens lay white eggs. They carry their bodies with confidence, and strength is exuded in how they bring themselves about.

These chickens are reasonably fast in growing. Their weight is seemingly very balanced and controlled. They grow fast but do not grow to the point of imbalance like other chickens. Learn more about La Bresse Gauloise Chicken.

9. White Plymouth Rock Chicken

White Plymouth Rock Chickens
  • Main Use: Egg Production
  • Weigh: 7.5 – 8.5 lbs
  • Egg Production: Good
  • Egg Color: Brown
  • Egg Size: Large

White Plymouth Rock chickens are raised for their dual purpose. These birds are great layers as well as provide great meat.

Their calm and social personality allows for good backyard chickens. They are the all-star chicken in the house. They provide you eggs and good meat as well; what an all-rounder! These hens produce more than 200 eggs per year. They can be brooders with the right nudge and encouragement.

Their white feathers and yellow skin give off the gentle image of chickens. Their feathers are bright white, giving the feeling of having clouds streaked with the rays of the sun walking around your backyard. These birds can tolerate being confined but would be happier and livelier if given the freedom to roam around.

These birds are hardy in winter. Their feathers help them as insulators keeping them warm in times of harsh weather. However, there is a limit to this. They are prone to frostbites because of their single combs. Thus, when you live in a place where the temperature can drop to zero, it’s best to keep your White Plymouth Rock chickens inside a warm, well-insulated coop. Learn more about Plymouth Rock Chicken.

10. White Cochin Frizzle

White Cochin Frizzlen chicken
  • Main Use: Ornamental
  • Weigh: 1.75 – 2.00 lbs
  • Egg Production: Low
  • Egg Color: Brown
  • Egg Size: Small

And we saved the best for last, or should I say the most fabulous. The White Cochin Frizzle is a peculiar-looking bird. It has frizzled feathers that curl upwards, all in brilliant white. The end result is a puffed-up chicken that looks cuter than Elmo.

On the merit of its flashy feather coat, the White Cochin Frizzle is kept for its looks as an ornamental bird. This gal traded her days in the barn baking eggs for a life in the spotlight. You’re more likely to find this chicken on podiums than in barns.

Looks aside, the White Cochin Frizzle is a tiny chicken or at least the smallest chicken on our list. On average, an adult White Cochin Frizzle weighs a little below two pounds. Their small stature bleeds right into their eggs which also turn out to be small. But turnover is fair; forking out 2-3 eggs per week.

White Cochin Frizzle are not rowdy, let alone chatty. They are quieter than your standard chicken breeds. This calm demeanor makes it a perfect breed for the limelight.

Turns out the thick feather coat of the White Cochin Frizzle doesn’t offer much in terms of weather protection. The breed is vulnerable to cold and wet conditions. Their feathers don’t have a lot of contact with the skin, so they end up losing a lot of heat to the environment. They are also susceptible to lice and mite attacks.

Overall, no chicken has ever looked better in a white coat.


Given the additional information and the list of the top 10 white chicken breeds above, it would be easier to narrow down your options before selecting a breed. White chickens are one of the loveliest breeds out there in the poultry world. Choosing can be difficult, but once you make up your heart, it will be worth it.

best White Chicken Breeds

2 thoughts on “Top 10 White Chicken Breeds (with Pictures)”

  1. The chicken pictured as a Sultan is not a Sultan, but actually a Satin Silkie. Sultans have light skin and a light colored beak, whereas Silkies have black skin and beak like the one pictured. Also, Sultans have a V comb and Silkies have a walnut comb. Normal silkies lack barbicels, that would hold their feathers together, and this gives them the appearance of having fur. However, Satin Silkies, like the one pictured, do have barbicels like a normal chicken.

    • Thank you for pointing out the mistake in our article. We apologize for the error and have updated the image and information accordingly. We appreciate your input and hope you find our updated article on Top 9 White Chicken Breeds helpful.


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